Waste Management

Waste Management Technology, Trend & Developments

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  • #701
    Puneet Verma

    Participate in 3rd Virtual Conference on “Waste Management Technology, Trend & Developments” on 17-18 february 2021 Online Registration:

    https://www.matcorr.org/waste-management Key topics for Discussion: – Approach & Trend for Waste Management – Waste to Energy, Economy Generation from Waste – Environment Safety & Protection from Hazardous Waste – Reduce, Reuse and Recycle – 3Rs of Managing Waste – Industrial & Chemical Waste – Plastics Waste Management – Solid Waste Management – Organic Waste Management, Biogas Generation Methods & Innovations – E-Waste Management- Disposal & Recycling – Liquid Waste Management – Latest Initiatives & Regulations

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