Environmental Events

EnviSion 2.0 – Environmental Society of St.Stephen’s College

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  • #423
    Puneet Verma

    Hi Everyone,

    The Environmental Society of St.Stephen’s College is going to organize an international event EnviSion in the coming month, for creating environmental awareness among youth.

    The continual negligence towards environmental issues and concerns has left our environment in a state of perish. Although the indirect impact of covid-19 has brought upon a blessing to nature and the environment, there is still a pressing need to address and take action upon the challenges we face. A change in the way we do things, a change in our habits of consumption, is something that we need at the moment. Hence, we wish students to take this knowledge and use it in a more practical way.

    With the first edition of EnviSion 2020 having made a huge success, exhibiting a total of over 130 teams partaking globally, we are proud to present the second edition of EnviSion 2020. An online event comprising of a set-list of fun tasks designed specifically to test the students’ knowledge, make them aware of the global environmental crisis through dedicated quizzes, case studies, committee simulations, etc. and making them take action in order to save the planet, EnviSion 2020 aims to bring the youth into action.

    Please share this poster and brochure of the event with as many students and youngsters as possible.

    Download Brochure 

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Puneet Verma.
    • This topic was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Puneet Verma.
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